Cookie Policy


We use cookies and similar technologies (e.g. pixel tags). These technologies are all small data files that are placed on your device (computer, phone, tablet etc.). In this policy and in our Privacy Policy we simply use the term “cookie” to describe them all.

Below you can read more about the cookies we use and find guidance of how to deny and deactivate/delete cookies.

Some of the cookies we use collect personal data.


What Are Cookies?


A cookie is a small data file that is attached to your computer's hard drive, smartphone or other IT equipment. It enables your device/IP address to be recognised and information to be collected regarding the pages you visit, the choices you make and the functions you implement.

We use our own cookies as well as third-party cookies. A third-party cookie is a cookie which is created and placed by external partners, e.g. partners that provide content for our websites, suppliers of some of our functions on the websites, or programmes that we use for analysis and marketing. Through the third party cookies, these external partners may collect personal data such as your IP address and information about your browsing behaviour.



Why We Use Cookies


We use cookies for tracking you and your behaviour on our website, social media platforms and other thirds party websites in order for us to give you a better user experience on our website and to remember the choices you are making when using it, for example your choice of country. We also use cookies to constantly improve the content and functions you encounter on our website. We furthermore use cookies to target our marketing so that it matches your interests and to generate statistics regarding use of our websites.

Overall our cookies can be divided into these three categories: (1) functional cookies, (2) analytical cookies and (3) marketing cookies. 


(1) Functional cookies

Functional cookies make the site work better. We use these cookies to temporarily save information from your session (website visit), e.g. saving items you added to your basket or remembering what you added into a form. Some of the functional cookies are necessary cookies. This means that these cookies are necessary to make the website work. You cannot deny or disable cookies qualifying as necessary cookies.


(2) Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies allow us to measure the performance of our website and social media profiles by recognising and counting number of visitors and by seeing which products our visitors view and are interested in or which marketing campaigns/activities they engage with. This helps us to improve and develop the services and products, we offer our customers and our marketing initiatives.

In this regard, we may collect information about your device, e.g. your screen resolution and browser, and information about your internet connection, e.g. your IP address.

Through these analytical cookies we also register from which page our visitors came to our websites, and our visitors’ browsing on our sites, e.g. when and how long our sites were visited, what functionalities were used and what products were viewed. All this information is only used on an aggregated level, meaning that it cannot be directly linked to you. 


(3) Marketing cookies

On our websites you will see recommendations and promotions and we may also provide advertisements and marketing activities/campaigns on other websites and social media networks. In order to keep these recommendations, promotions and advertisements relevant for you, we use marketing cookies.

The marketing cookies we use collect information about your browsing behavior, e.g. which products you have shown interest in on our websites and other websites, which marketing campaigns/activities you engage in as well your device ID and geolocation based on your IP address. This information may be combined with information related to your order history, past correspondence and profile information as well as with other information which you have provided to our advertising partners or which they have collected themselves. Our partners may use cookies to collect information when you visit our website. We also use cookies to track your journey to other websites in order to present you with ads on such websites.

We use that information to personalize the marketing ads shown to you.


Cookie Consent


When you visit our website and app(s) for the first time you are asked to provide your consent to cookies being placed on your device. You can choose to accept all cookies or you can customize your cookie settings so only some of the above categories of cookies are placed on your device. You can also choose to deny all cookies except for necessary cookies which are cookies that are necessary for the website to work properly.

You should be aware that if you choose to deactivate/deny certain cookies, we cannot give you the best possible user experience on our website as there may be services and functions that you cannot use because they require cookies to remember the choices you are making.

If the cookies are amended or the cookie policy is significantly changed you will be asked to provide a new consent the next time you visit our website and app(s).

At all times you are able to withdraw your consent or amend your cookie settings.